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Specialist growers in south Lincolnshire UK   




Lavandula Lavender angustifolia 'Blue Scent' English dwarf lavenderLavandula angustifolia 'Blue Scent' a wonderful dwarf English lavender with highly aromatic flowers. Ideal for border edges, pots, rockeries, raised beds and gravel gardens. This erect, yet compact form with dense flower spikes is ideal for spilling over onto paths. As the aromatic foliage is brushed against, the air will be filled with perfume providing a most romantic effect.

Plants should be planted 30cm (1 ft) apart and can be trimmed back after flowering, forming a neat hedge.

Can also be used to form a dwarf hedge around the kitchen herb garden or for planting amongst roses to deter rose aphid. For recipe ideas, such as lavender scones and ice cream take a look at: RECIPES USING ENGLIGH LAVENDER

All plants will be in 9cm pots and ready for immediate planting.


20 Lavender for £39.95 incl. P+P or 40 Lavender for £69.90 incl. P+P.

1 box of 20 Lavender for £39.95 - follow link below


2 boxes (40 Lavender) for £69.90 - follow link below



To order this collection, simply follow the How to Order link. Don't forget delivery charge is included in these special prices and we send pots NOT plugs.



Site designed by Stephen Willerton, constructed and maintained by Hayley Willerton. Please let us know if you experience any problems  when viewing our Nursery website.